2007年3月25日 星期日

Summary Of "Change Roles:Stay-at-Home-Dads"

Now the world is changing with each passing day. Male and female are really different now to compare with the past. The gender roles are not to fix because it is more and more faire now. Man is already not the worker in the family he also can do housework at home. For example, a man also can take care of their children. And social scientists are studying the different from man see after children or another. They found that children's emotion and physical are developing in a different way under father's raising will be much better than under a mother's exclusive care. The child had better look after by parents rather than one of them. Because one of the parents may be spoil the child. If parents take care of them together I think one of them will be the teacher to teach the child. Father is as important as the mother in raising children' now. Raising children is not only the responsibility of the mother.

2 則留言:

yamimuki 提到...
yamimuki 提到...

Hi, Peggy:
I’m Eva, I saw your summary of “Changing Roles: Staying-at-Home Dads.” You made a good job, but I think it still has progress space.

I would give you some advices, and you can take them into consideration. For example, on line 2, “to compare” should be corrected “by comparing.” On line 5, you should added”,” before “he also.” On line 8, “the different“should be modified “the difference” On line 8, “see after” should be changed “see to” or “look after.” On line 9, “another” should be corrected “others.” And on line 14, you should added “,” behind the word “together.”

You actually made a good summary, but I think you can take more attention on the grammar and the activity of composing organization. After you practice the talent, your summary can be more excellent than now. I believe someday you will progress.