2007年4月1日 星期日

About "On the line"

The story “On the line” is describes a calling for an emergency thing. Mrs. Washington was called a supervisor for help because a little girl was swallowed some pills. But when she called hospital to request an ambulance the operator refused her for she was not the client. Then she called the telephone company operator for help. At last they thought one way calling Mrs. Washington’s neighbors. The first phone call was no answer; the second phone call was a clammy man who said “It’s not my business". And the third phone call was Mrs. Thomas. She promised to see what happened. In the story the particular characters I choose was the supervisor who was enthusiasm. He or she was a good person to help others and never give up. But in the end Mrs. Thomas was looking at the scene before her, she realized what the emergency was. The story didn’t write what was the really emergency thing. It’s mystery and attracts me.

The story “On the line” pointed that how clammy people are in our society. The people in the story are unconcerned about the others. What they do really care about are themselves. In other words, they are all selfish. We could clearly see that people in the story except for the supervisor of telephone. Company with the neighbor Mrs. Thomas only thought that what responsibilities they may take if they accept the emergency request. They are so stubborn and selfish that they could not believe what the other said.

1 則留言:

yamimuki 提到...

Hi, Peggy. I’m Eva. I have read your article “on the line.” You did a good job. But it’s still having some wrong grammar.

Here are some advices for you. You can take them into consideration. For instance, on line 3, “was swallowed” should be modified “has swallowed.” And on line 5, you should add”,” in front of “the operator.” On line 8, you should add “which is” after “the way.” On line 16, you should add”,” after “in the end.” And on line16, too. “looking at the scene before her” should be modified “on the scene.” At last, on line19,”mystery” should be corrected “mysterious”, and add “it” in front of “attacts.”

You really made a good summary, but it’s still having a little problem. After you practice again and again, your summary can be more excellent than now. I believe s you will progress someday.